(044) 26421199 | 26423758 academic@hbionline.org

About HBI Ministries

The ministries of Hindustan Bible Institute & College (HBI) were founded in 1952 by Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta in response to the challenge of developing national leadership for the church and mission, when India was transitioning out of colonialism into nationalization. The passion and strategy God placed in the founder’s heart was to reach the unevangelised by equipping one Indian to reach another Indian for Christ. The program focused on a practical training that developed skills in evangelism and preaching God’s word and Spiritual emphasis that developed Biblical values, vision and faith.

By 1978 it became the largest theological college in Asia. In 1979 HBI expanded its mission by extending its leadership development focus from evangelism to discipleship and church planting.

In 1985 it recognized the need to enhance the formal leadership training to include the non-formal and informal methods of training to further increase its effectiveness in fulfilling its mission.

In 1995 it further enhanced its strategy with a focus in building cross cultural missionaries.

In the year 1998 it recognized the need to decentralize its training with an effort to contextualize leadership development to further increase its effectiveness in developing indigenous leaders for a complex nation like India and by 2000 it started its first training center in North India.

Today, HBI trains through its formal, non-formal and informal efforts an average of 4,000 a year. It has training centers in 5 locations of India and its vision is to establish 15 Regional centers and 1,100 training units to equip and develop 200,000 indigenous leaders all over India.

Vision & Mission

We want to see a dynamic transformational church in every village and colony of every town and city of India.


HBI exists “to give every person an opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel and be discipled into communities of believers within their own context, so that, Christ is radiated in everything they do.

Our Core Values


It is not about us. HBI Ministries are about God. All we do is to be God-centered, God-directed, & God-focused, bringing glory to Him above all else. We are eager to know God’s presence, hear His voice and follow after Him. (Psalm 63:1-4) We want to make God the center of all our attention and endeavors. (Mark 12:29-30; Deuteronomy 5:6, 11; Psalm 145).


We accept the Bible as the authoritative source that sets the standard and provides the foundational principles for all that we do. We desire to be transformed, taught, renewed, challenged, strengthened & empowered individually and corporately by seeing God’s word rightly applied in our lives and ministries by the Holy Spirit.


We are committed to developing passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Christ is both our example and strength as we pursue integrity, excellence, faith, hope and love in our life and work. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a transforming community dedicated to Christ like love, servant-hood, holiness, and obedience to the Father. We believe that following Christ’s example means sacrifice, sometimes hardship and possibly even death.


We are committed to the urgent and unfinished task of making disciples of Jesus Christ in all nations. We are committed to a mission that flows out of God’s love for the world and our compassion for people. It is our desire to actually see the kingdom of God become a reality in India and beyond. In doing this we desire to work in loving, trusting, interdependent relationships with churches and other partners who share our vision.


We confess our dependency on the Holy Spirit to control and empower our lives and ministry so we reflect His courage, righteousness and fruit in our relationship at home, society, ministry and church. As we experience God’s leadership and power, we exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in all of our relationships in our homes, churches, organization and in our communities.


HBI as an organization exists to serve local congregations. We believe that the local church is the primary instrument God uses to accomplish his purposes in the world. Therefore, we are committed to fostering church planting movements, equipping local churches to become healthy, growing, and multiplying and mobilizing churches to accomplish the Great Commission.


We believe that people matter to God. Therefore all people matter to us. We want to serve people from all communities, races, castes, classes, genders and languages. We are inclusive, caring and relevant without compromising the principles of the Word and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

Leadership Development

Beyond the Church, into the Community and to the Nation!

HBI serves the Church and Nation in building transformational leaders who are Word-centered, scholastically, ministerially skilled and developed with a Christ-like character to serve the Church and disciple nations.

Its vision is to see committed, competent, mature, Christ-like missional leaders who are incarnating transformational movements in the Society.

It aims at developing competency in Biblical languages for sound exposition of the Word and focuses on excellence. It provides opportunities for holistic maturity and sharpens individual abilities and skills.

HBI & College is currently affiliated to Martin Luther Christian University and its courses are accredited by Asian Theological Association. We offer courses from B.Th to Ph.D.

Beyond the Formal

Through Non-Formal Training Program

India has over 6,00,000 villages and if the Gospel is to accessible to every man, woman, boy and girl, every village requires a minimum of one church and if all the people of the nation are to hear the message, we need a church for every 1000 people in every people group of India. Most church planters trained in the formal context never return to their villages nor can effectively cross cultures. To disciple these villages and unreached people groups, we need to develop church planters and Pastor leader in context of the people groups.

The non-formal training process is engaged in equipping village church planters and cross cultural missionaries through short term training. They gain competency in understanding the Word, strengthening of their faith and discipling the lost. They are skilled to establish contextual worshipping community and building bridges into the community holistically.

The trainees are equipped through a process – first as evangelists, then as church planters and finally as indigenous pastor leaders through a systematic non-formal training program. It requires 20% of class room experience and 80% of the training on the field.

In the last 30 years, 1,2386 village church planters were trained who have planted 8,957 churches in 23 states of India and Nepal and discipled over 5,40,000 people to the Lord.

Spreading God's Glory

Through Informal Training Program

India is so large and complex, no one movement in the nation will be able to disciple this nation. If every people group is to have a reproducing church planting movement then the whole church needs to disciple the whole nation. HBI has developed a strategy to mobilization and equip the church to build leadership in the local church. The informal training is designed to train and equip the saints to enable the vision of the local church in their contexts and flexibility.

Since 1987, God enabled HBI to envision over 1,35,000 pastors, village church planters and Bible women in 26 states of India and developed 320 district movements that are involved in discipling the nation. It was estimated in 1987 that India had 25,000 leaders with 1,14,000 churches. Today is estimated that there are close to 5,00,000 church planters, pastors and cross cultural missionaries and over 6,00,000 churches planted through out India in 30 years.

The informal training programs are co-ordinated through HBI Regional training centers run by the church mobilization and contextual training development. We have Regional Training centers at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh/ Jaipur,Rajasthan/ Silguri, West Bengal/K.Kota, Andhra Pradesh/ Dimapur, Nagaland/ Nagpur, Maharashtra/ Kotagiri, TamilNadu/ Hubli/ Karnataka/ Aurangabad, Maharashtra/ Kutch, Gujarat/ Thargopula, Telangana.

Training Next and Emerging Generation Leaders

It is estimated about 50% (over 550 million) of India’s population is under the age of 25. By 2020, 61% of Indians will be under the age of 35, i.e. about 780 million Indians. Building transformational leadership for the future to lead the nation and the church has to be viewed with this reality and challenge in mind.

HBI is working on seeing that the baton is being passed on to the next generation and is also building leadership for the future by focusing on both the next generation and the emerging generation.

HBI is focused on the next generation by focusing on the age group of 25 and above by developing 'Trainers of Trainers'.

  • Kinder Kare
  • Christian Day Schools
  • Child Developement centers
  • Drop in Centers

Our commitment is to an 'Early childhood Development'. This focuses on the whole child using brain training strategy so they can learn, grow and become transformational at the core.

Global Experiential Learning

Through Local Church and Educational Institutions

  • Identifying, shaping and sharpening abilities, skills to provide hands on supplement and complement our combined vision to disciple the unreached.
  • To enable global learning by facilitating learning in the context of cultures including observation, field trips, lectures and interactive learning opportunities led by global scholarship.
  • To provide internships for global exposure in partnership with Educational institutions, Mission agencies and local churches to enrich the understanding of what God is doing in global mission and seek to understand how they join God in what He is doing in today's context.

Mission from anywhere to everywhere

From anyone to everyone

Since 1985, the world moved from nationalization to Globalization. In colonization the church was birthed in dependence. In nationalization we learned to be independent but in Globalization we are serving in interdependence. In nationalization we learned to be independent but in Globalization we are serving in interdependence.

HBI and HBI Global Partners develop partnerships globally and locally to network skills, abilities and giftedness of people, to fulfill the great commission and enabling transformation.

Our Vision is to inspire the global church to disciple the people in the 10/40 window.

Statement of Faith

I The Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God, a super naturally given revelation from God Himself, concerning man, his nature, need, duty, and destiny. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are without error or mis-statement in their moral and spiritual teachings and record of historical facts. They are without error or defect of any kind.

II There is one God, eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

III Our Lord Jesus was supernaturally conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, linear descendant of David. He lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as is recorded in the four Gospels. He was put to death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate and was buried. God raised from the dead his body that had been nailed to the cross. The Lord Jesus, after His crucifixion, showed Himself to His disciples, appearing unto them by the space of forty days. After this, the Lord Jesus ascended into Heaven, and the Father caused Him to sit at the authority and power and dominion and every name that is named; not only in the World, but also in that which is to come; and put all things in subjection under His feet and gave Him to be head over all things to the church.

IV The Lord Jesus, before His incarnation, existed in the form of God, and of His own choice laid aside His divine glory and took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. In His pre-existent state, He was with God and was God. He is a divine person possessed of all the attributes of Deity and should be worshipped as God by Angels and Men. "In Him dwelleth all the fullness of Godhead bodily." All the words that He spoke during His earthly life were the Words of God. There is absolutely no error of any kind in them; and by the Words of Jesus Christ the words of all other teachers must be tested.

V The Lord Jesus became, in every respect, a real man, and was fully God, possessing of all the essential characteristics of human nature yet without sin.

VI By His death upon the cross, the Lord Jesus made a perfect atonement for sin, by which the wrath of God against sinners is appeased and a ground furnished upon which God can deal in mercy with sinners. He redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. He who Himself was absolutely without sin was made to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. The Lord Jesus is coming again to this earth personally, bodily, and visibly. The return of our Lord is the blessed hope of the believer and in it God's purposes of Grace toward mankind will find their consummation.

VII The Holy Spirit is a person and is possessed of all distinctly divine attributes. He is God.

VIII Man was created in the image of God, after His likeness, but the whole human race fell in the first Adam. All, until they accept the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior are lost, darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, hardened in heart, morally and spiritually dead through trespasses and sins. They cannot see, nor enter the Kingdom of God until they are born again of the Holy Spirit.

IX Men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him who shed His blood and are born again by the quickening, renewing, cleaning work of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God.

X All those who received Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord, become children of God and receive eternal life. They become heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ and confess Him as Savior and Lord before their fellowmen. At death, their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness, and at the Second Coming of Christ, their bodies shall be raised and transformed into the likeness of His glorious body.

XI All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious, endless torment and anguish in the lake of fire.

XII The church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and Bride of Christ which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself.

XIII There is a personal devil, a being of great cunning and power, "the Prince of the power of the air," "the Prince of this world," and "the god of this age." He can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so. He shall ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tormented day and night forever.

From the Chairman Desk

Dear Friends,

We are living in a period of great receptivity to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is exciting to live in this era where the opportunities are boundless to demonstrate the love and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. People are responding to the Gospel all over the world especially in the nation of India. It is very encouraging to be part of what the Lord is doing in India. God has called us to an awesome task of winning people and creating an awareness of how they can live in a dynamic relationship with Christ.

Hindustan Bible Institute & College has been in existence since 1952 and it was specifically founded for the purpose of reaching the unreached people of India through the development of indigenous leadership in the context of nationalization. In transition from Colonialism to the new era of nationalization, the Church was challenged with the need for a large number of leaders to fill the responsibility God was passing on to the national Church. Our commitment is to build transformational leaders to disciple our nation.

Over the sixty years, God has helped us to understand the process of leadership development. We have formal, non-formal, informal and cross cultural training program offered through both HBI Chennai and our 7 Regional training centers all over the nation. A few years ago God brought to our attention the need to develop next generation transformational leaders so that the children, Teens and young people can be developed as transformational leaders. So we are also working on developing next gen. transformational leaders through Schools, orphanages, Child development centers and equipping of “trainers of trainers”.

We are so thankful to the Lord for what He has done through the ministries of HBI. In the last 60 years God has helped us graduate over 9,500 men and women, plant over 4,500 churches, disciple over 350,000 people, equip and envision over 100,000 pastors, church planters and Christian workers. We are thankful to the Lord for giving us opportunities to share the Gospel with over 3 million people. Praise the Lord!

Our vision is to see a dynamic transformational worshipping community in every village and colony of every town and city of India.

As we continue to trust the Lord and watch Him do great and wonderful things, we ask you to continue to pray for us and support our ministries to help us accomplish the vision through the development of men and women who are called to the task of fulfilling the mission of God.

Praying for you and may the Lord bless you.

Rev. Dr. Paul R Gupta

Our Administrative Bodies

Board of Directors

This is the highest Administrative Body consisting of 18 members from all over India from various professions. Policy decisions are made by this body and they are the sole custodian of the purpose, the vision and the values of HBI. They meet at least three to four times a year.

Administrative Leaders Team

The Administrative Leaders team consists of Directors of different departments headed by the President & Director. It is an administrative body that executes the strategies to fulfill the purpose and vision of HBI. The team meets every Wednesday for prayer, reporting and planning.

College Academic Council

This is an Advisory Body that deals with the issues, proposals and guidelines relating to academic activities.

Team of Faculty Members

All the faculty members meet once a month to discuss the various concerns of the academic affairs, students’ life and activities.